Get Help Now


At Tender Life Maternity Home you can get the help you and your baby need. We offer a safe home, food, and essential pre-natal care for both of you.

We offer a structured, secure, Christ-centered environment where you can learn to become a confident, independent woman of God.

Our full-time staff is onsite 24/7, and fellow program participants can help you understand you are not alone. Whatever your situation, Tender Life can help.



  • STEP 1: Set up a Telephone Interview. Call us or leave a message with a callback number. You will be contacted for a phone interview. 
  • STEP 2: Come in for an In-Person Interview. After the phone interview has been processed, you will be contacted to schedule an in-person interview.
  • STEP 3: Get the Help You Need. Moving into one of our available rooms is taking the first step in building a better life for you and your baby. 

Call us TODAY or use the form below to contact Tender Life. All information is kept confidential.

There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.

Jim Duran • Executive Director

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